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Exciting News!
I’ve joined the team at Magellan College Counseling and now provide an even greater depth and breadth of college guidance.


Michelle Silbernagel
May 20, 2021
What You Need to Know About College Recommendation Letters
Learn why college letters of recommendation matter and how to get great ones.

Michelle Silbernagel
May 12, 2021
Virtual College Fairs in 2021
Virtual College Fairs taking place in winter & spring of 2021.

Michelle Silbernagel
Mar 9, 2021
The College Visit: Corona Style
Many high schools have missed the chance to visit colleges on their list. Read on for tips on digital trips.

Michelle Silbernagel
Feb 26, 2021
Five Steps to Building a Great College List
A good college list is the key to a successful application process. Building the list is process. Here are five

Michelle Silbernagel
Feb 20, 2021
College Priorities: The Key to A Great College List
The key to a great college list is to identify your top college priorities. Here's how.

Michelle Silbernagel
Feb 20, 2021
The Most Important Question to Guide Your College Search
A successful college list begins with answering one important question: Why College?

Michelle Silbernagel
Feb 3, 2021
How to Make the Most of Virtual College Fairs
In addition to college-specific information, the fairs also include thematic sessions.

Michelle Silbernagel
Feb 1, 2021
Tips to Research Your College List
Does the thought of researching colleges feel a bit overwhelming? Fear not, here are some great tips to help you research your list.

Michelle Silbernagel
Jan 21, 2021
Cancelled Indefinitely: SAT Essay and Subject Tests
Canceled! The College Board will no longer offer SAT Subject Tests or the optional Essay.

Michelle Silbernagel
Jan 13, 2021
College Planning Steps for the New Year
The college journey has many steps. Get started in the right direction with these essential navigation points. Your “starting” point...

Michelle Silbernagel
Nov 19, 2020
Navigating College Prep During A Pandemic
High school seniors are wrapping up their applications in what is likely the most unprecedented college admissions season in history....

Michelle Silbernagel
Jun 13, 2020
Summer College Prep Plans
Steps to take this summer to stay on track for college.

Michelle Silbernagel
May 30, 2020
How to Approach Standardized Testing During Covid-19
Advice for rising sophomores and juniors about standardized testing for college admissions during COVID-19.

Michelle Silbernagel
May 23, 2020
The What, When, Who, and How of College Recommendation Letters
Letters of recommendation (LORs) provide context to a student's college application. And context, along with flexibility, is the word...

Michelle Silbernagel
Apr 18, 2020
Virtual College Tours
Student college admission engagement opportunities in June-July

Michelle Silbernagel
Apr 17, 2020
The Extracurricular Pivot
The shelter in place pause provides teens the chance explore their interests.

Michelle Silbernagel
Apr 11, 2020
Preparing for College Admissions During a Pandemic
In the midst of shifting requirements and expectations, focus on what you know.
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